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Up and Coming Tenor Humberto Zambrano sings That's Amore | Print |  E-mail
Written by Larry Aiello   
Saturday, 29 December 2012 12:45
I was recently honored at an event in Venice, Florida put together by Sebastiano Ravagnani, an Italian filmmaker and journalist. The event called "A Night in Venice...That's Amore" which recognized many Italian and Italian-American entrepreneurs involved in promoting the Italian heritage and culture.

I was given and award by Mr. Ravagnani for my work in my recent book "First Time to Italy Vacation Planner" which is available on Amazon.

Humberto Zambrano, "Voice of Silk"

The night featured a very talented and upcoming tenor by the name of Humberto Zambrano, nicknamed the "Voice of Silk". He has an impressive resume including studying music at the prestigious Conservatory of Music Simon Bolivar in Caracas. He also has stops in Latin America and Buenos Aires working with famous baritone William Alvarado among others. Currently he spends him time between New York and Florida.

Below is a video of one of the verses of "That's Amore" sung and performed by Mr. Zambrano.

As an Italian-American we are all probably familiar with the Dean Martin classic. The word "Amore" in Italian means love. The song was actually composed in 1952 by Harry Warren and Jack Brooks. Don't ask me how a couple of non-Italians came up with that song, but they did and the rest is history as it became one of Dean Martin's most popular hits.

In 1987 the song had a revival as it was featured in the popular film called "Moonstruck" which was filled with an all-star cast including Cher, Nicolas Cage, Danny Aiello (no relation to this blog owner), Olympia Dukakis and Vincent Gardenia.





0 #4 Addicted2Italy 2013-07-02 10:23
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for posting your comment. I agree, he is a fantastic singer. I wouldn't say he's better than Andrea Bocelli but he is certainly very talented. Of course when you see someone like that in person, you can really appreciate the depths of their talent. Speaking of Bocelli, he will be playing here in Tampa in November. I bet that would be a fantastic show to see.

+1 #3 Barbara Washburn 2013-07-02 04:47
This man has more talent than any local tenor I have ever enjoyed! When he sings people are amazed - and more than one has exclaimed "Oh my gosh, He's better than Bocelli"! I have to agree, and he has an amazing repertoire - French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, English, from opera to Argentine tango. I am a total fan of this gifted and thoroughly trained singer! We are just blessed to have him in our area.
0 #2 Addicted2italy 2012-12-30 19:33
Prego Sebastiano, e' stato mio piacere.

+1 #1 Sebastiano 2012-12-30 15:22
Tank you

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