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Festa di San Fortunato, Fish-fry
From Saturday, 08 May 2010 -  08:00am
To Monday, 10 May 2010 - 05:00pm
by  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Hits : 2110

Festa di San Fortunato, Sagra del Pesce

An out of the way gem of a seaside fishing village, just to the south of Genova and north of La Spezia, lies Camogli. The houses are practically on top of each other in a delightful arrangement of yellow, pink and red.

The second weekend of May is their annual fish festival in honor of their patron saint, San Fortunato.

Legend has it in 1952, several citizens of Camogli were stranded out on the sea. In danger of drowning, they attributed their good “fortune” in being spared by the luck of the town’s patron saint (San Fortunato).

So they started this festival in his honor.

There are large bonfires the night before the fish fry (on Saturday) that involve the burning of a large wooden dragon.

Then on Sunday, tons of fish are brought to a boil, and coated with flour, cooked in oil, and handed out to the crowd. It is a holiday and festive spirit as everyone toasts to their good health, and to San Fortunato.

Location : Camogli, south of Genova



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