Thursday, May 16, 2024

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Learn Italian with Larry Aiello

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Sicilian Caponata Recipe | Print |  E-mail
Ingredients (4 People)

5 Eggplants, 200 g of White Olives, 100 g of Capers, 100 g of Celery, 3 white Onions, 150 g of Tomato Concentrate, 100 g of Sugar, 1 cup of Vinegar, 200 g of Olive Oil, 500 g of Peanut Oil.

Cut the eggplants into cubes, cover with some salt and leave them in a collander to let the bitter taste be cleaned out, then proceed to fry them. Cut the onions into slices and cook them for a while in some olive oil, until they began to fry a little. Now take a pot, add pitted olives, capers and sliced celery, add some boiled water and let everything cook for a few minutes.

When the celery is almost done, remove the water and wash with fresh water. Put everything together with the onions, mix the food, add the tomato concentrate, sugar, vinegar and continue mixing for about 10 minutes with medium heat. Put some salt in the fried eggplants and mix them gently.

Then put them on a serving dish and add some sauce, mix everything and add the remaining part of the sauce. To be eaten cold.

The scent of wild blackberries and the flavouring spices of "D'istinto/Syrah" enhance the taste of this plate with Spanish origin.






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